Two days didnt update miss me or not??waha~ promised wasabi i will blog in it is~1 post~haha....
what i did on Friday? almost forgotten..just remember i got headache..dizzy like hell during work..zzz..made me so moody~~
headache + hungry, and its raining wawawa....cant go to the usual restaurant..=((...what can we eat inside meropoint?? expensive and not nice..zzz...Expensive is the main reason laa...dont want to waste money maa...after loitering around for few minutes...i cant stand already...bought two doughnut~~choc puding~~ satisfied...dont know why after ate became more dizzy..=((....
after that still got a lot of i followed the two guy went to the 3rd floor for free...and i shouldnt wear the jacket...its so hot up there...aiya..i long time didnt go already ma..mana tau there dont have aircon punya...
why so like to play basketball 1?? nice meh??
ya larr...u win already~
Yesterday~Majlis anugerah cemerlang 2011~
Mayyee came to my house then we went there together~=))...
the first person that catched my attention was Mr soh..with his super striking yellow batik haha....dont know why everytime go to school i will notice him first 1 rather than other teacher..zzz...he came to talk to me and ask me about university stuff....then...the replied that i had expected :" still want to choose nursing ar?"..with THAT expression...haha.....i just smile and say YES~! and the same reply also...i dont think they will give me..i need luck!
the hall~
got performance also leh..i didnt expect got 1 lorr...wasted my time...apalaaa...ofcourse i did act that i paid attention to him..padahal i didnt listen any word...just know got people singing and guitaring~.. seems like all students didnt pay attention to them... so pity lorrr...imagine you have done all sort of hard work, practice everyday in house and lastly, people just talk when you are hurt~..=((
atleast i capture them to give them some confident that they got the feeling that they are siao..paiseh...i sot already....too bad la camera cant zoom...
guess who is this?? haha....very yeng meh now?
and i felt so weird with my outfit yesterday...zzz....i like my dress..but my pants and shoes are just so not match with that shirt...dont curi curi laugh me behind...=((....felt so uneasy and weird....but i lazy to change so many things ma...after that still need to work so i just wear working pants and shoes lorr...BTW, why everyone wore until so formal 1..zzz....made me feel even weirder~
me and wasabi~ my fringe very panjang~~....she came teacher dont let her to go up to the stage to take her prize..haha...kesian....who ask u want to be the 'tetamu kehormat'?? =P
was searching for TAM to take photo together..manatau she went to the staffroom to take buku koko...(yii?? i also havent take worr...zzz....)so, just me and wasabi lorr..
after that we join those parents to have jamuan at dewan makan asrama~..after that cheah and me walked to metropoint ourselves lorr...and we got cheated by the escalator..ish..they change the way already...we didnt notice and when we walked to the going-up-escalator, saw people coming down..zzz
every saturday we cant break together 1 ma...we can choose to break at 2pm, 3pm, 4pm or 5pm..then ar, yesterday cheah chose to break with JiaChi lenglui dont want me bad right....=((
when he came back from break, he told me he went to chongkee...i was like, huh? u said the auntie passed away already 1? then now tell me she is still selling curry mee at there?? O.O!!!..i thought he was joking around so i just gave him this =.= look...and felt so that only he told me got another person took over already...i guess is her son?? the sell ABC 1..and he said the curry not so 'concentrated' already ooo...
but i still want to i went there at 4pm...but they close already time lorr...we went to eat charkueytiao AGAIN~
(yorrrr...i hate the two dogs at metropoint la...keep follow me all the way to CHONGKEE!!!...=((...dont come near me la..later i cry how...=(( )
owhya! yesterday i had my breaktime with ManWai~ see! he want to steal my domino card and voucher~ =@
these are what i got...a sijil and a batu..cheah call it stone lol...quite nice also ma i my name 1 leh..haha....owhya!! haha...i had used the voucher yesterday night..and ofcourse the domino card~ pizza!! pizza!!! nice~~~forgot to take photo...suan le~
and service point for March~RM116.29~~
Cheah said its a lot oo..ya ar?..zzz....he got RM300++..=(
lastly, let you all see my fringe once again~~ wahaha~~~ finally i cut them short short and straight straight le...
no not that mum said senget already worr....nevermind la..special...haha....dont want post my new look up...let u all samxixi~~=DD