Sunday, June 1, 2014


一个月的oncology posting告一段落了。。从第一个星期的clinic,到去ward,然后回去clinic到最后daycare。。其实想一想好像没有学到什么特别的东西。。可是认真的数一数其实,那些体验和过程是很难计算的。。就很难说出来到底学了什么,可是心灵上和思想方面,应该有增长吧~~

这个posting其实我没有留恋的感觉。。首先就是感觉我的group没有和我超ngam key的人。。还记得有几次posting完我都是自己走,下课也有时自己一个人去买午餐,那种感觉就是,算了吧我也不需要你们陪,自己一个就一个啊~~有时就会去别的组找人陪我。。

去了cheras jaya中学办了breast cancer awareness campaign。。过程比较stress。。因为我担当program嘛~然后到活动当天,其实就是很轻松超级普通。。就这样过了,lecturer说给我们满分。。我觉得好儿戏。。感觉就没有达到和我想象的那种好。。=S算了吧~都过去了。。只希望我们给的资料她们都收到。。

我们班和parttime student~

是突然想在这里教一下BSE才来update的。。因为好像很多人都很没有意识到breast self examination aka BSE的重要。。其实乳癌是最容易detect的癌症。。而且越早发现就治愈几率就越高。。

First of all, when to do BSE? 
for female that are still having mentruation, we can perform BSE 7-10days after menstruation. and for female that had reached menopause, you can set a date which is easy for you to remember, so that u can remember to do it every month. (for example, your birthday is on 21st January, so u can set the date as 21st. which mean u can perform BSE on 21st of every month. )
The best time to perform BSE is when you are bathing. Because its smoother and easier. 

What do you need to perform BSE?
A mirror which you can see half of your body atleast.  

you can also lie down when perform BSE. 

These are the steps..

To summarize, generally it consist of 3 steps. Lihat, Rasa, Respon. 

 What you need to look for? the following is the image that i found interesting and easy for you to remember the sign and symptoms that you need to look for. 

this is clearer~

Step 2, RASA!
you can use either of this 3 style. but ususally circular is the most common 1..

You have to use your 3 finger to do this. Before that, i want to give you a tips. Get ready your 3 finger, close your eyes, and use it to feel your eyeball! okay, now you can know how a lump feel like. its exactly like what you are feeling now. 
this picture show the correct way of using your 3 finger. dont use the end part of your finger, use the middle part of your finger because the tip part will cause pain. 

if you want to start at your left breast, put your left hand straight up, or behind your head and your elbow move backward. This is to stretch the muscle and so that your breast is more firm. Start pressing from the area below your clavicle bone. This is because many of the breast cancer starts at lymph node and the area below clavicle bone contain lymph nodes also. Gently move your finger without lifting it away from your skin. press in circular motion as shown below, WITHOUT LIFTING IT!. This is to prevent from missing out some of the area, because some of the tumor is mobile. 

1. Move your finger clockwise from outer part of your breast to inner until reach your nipple. (anticlockwise also can)
2. Press circular motion also!

When you reach your nipple, 
 Gently press and note for any discharge such as blood or mucus.

Lastly, put your hand under your armpit and then put down the left hand to feel for any lumps present. this is because under our armpit also has many lymph nodes. 

After that, check for another breast! It only takes not more than 10 minutes and it can save your life! So why not perform it? ^^

RESPON! means if you found out any abnormalities, dont hesitate to respond, inform your doctor immediately!!


还有啊,亲爱的男士,不要以为乳癌是女人的“专利”哦。。其实男人也是有机会患上乳癌的。。所以啊~如果你有家人亲戚朋友有乳癌的病史,就要多多注意咯~健康的饮食很重要。。BSE! BSE! 很重要!!




就这样,onco完了~明天开始这个sem的最后一个module。。paediatric~也有很多要抱怨可是就,先进去看一看吧~不要一开始就那么多的不满~希望我的assignment全部可以快点搞定!是时候准备final了!六月中有一个university course的考试!

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